Thursday, July 24, 2014


so i was thinking about dinosaurs and people and the inevitability of species extinction when I marveled at all we have created-- the love, the stuff, the gigantic systems institutions that take generations to follow along, the wars-- and think it amazing that we try at all..
Does anyone else hate it when you think of some complexity in starlight, and then suddenly recall Woody Allen and that kid (the young red-headed Woody character) who has been taken to the psychiatrist because he refuses to do homework, because, "the universe is expanding;what's the point"

Let's see there was Africa visit (worthy of another post), retirement from school, collisions with time: and in the world- the middle east, syriah, Iran, Iraq, South America and most of Africa - and there have been too many hospitals- but boat-rides down the Nile with elephants and hippos--

about to really put my heart into the art- hoping for a couple more decades! Come by the gallery- the other thought was that each of us creates a microcosum of the entire process-- what do they call that? fractals?