Monday, June 6, 2011


Run don't walk to Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris-- Maybe because i've always felt misplaced in time...I know I don't belong here and this movie resonated for me. I share the psychological disorder of thinking if only I lived in a different time.
The 20's in Paris would have been a great time for me in my fantasy life of hanging out- with Picasso, Stein, Hemingway, Porter, etc etc..... I loved this movie. Every time another hero showed up--- rather than disbelieve I was elated. My mantra has also been Proofrock! I don't know if Woody is capturing my whole generation or just me. Feedback Please!
My first 5 stars of the summer. Allen's still clever as hell, though I did find myself wanting a scene in NYC even more glistening than Paris, just my competitive American spirit. Two French themes in a row-- I am craving Le Central... (If I go I'll write a review).

1 comment:

  1. The first film for summer to see is Queen to Play. **** for those that don't play chess, perhaps 5 for those who share the obsession. Kevin Klein speaks French all the way through. The movie covers explores the relationships between sex and chess and class. Some real chess play and some erotic moves all mixed together.
    It's at the Mayan and judging from the small crowd won't last, for an interesting interpretation of the novel "The Chess Player" check it out!
