Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November 2013.
The gallery is hopping, thanks to Eva-- She is a great event planner-- if anyone needs an event; the details are wonderful....
If you are reading this for news of the gallery-- there is now free morning Yoga -check the website for hours.  AND the call for artists for the word-show is going out and I am about to gather up some poets! for the events-- maybe all the buzzards for one reading--and maybe some fame for the other--with an open mic too... and music--it is always good to have music-- might even consider a slam--make some art. the half-time counseling job is finally manageable and I am painting a lot--i'll post my new manatee painting, and I am working on a commission-- that should be done soon.

as that great philosopher Cher said, "the beat goes on."

Saturday, October 12, 2013

First an open invite to a great event coming to the gallery on Nov. 1st-- there will be music and birds and wonderful come on down.

2d there will be a poetry reading on Nov. 3rd in the gallery--three featured poets-( Mike Adams was scheduled, but this is becoming a memorial in his honor-- he gave us all so much; I don't know what to say about this... for me it is just sad.there is more info on the event on the website- I know Padma is also having a reading.  We write and read our poems and maybe feel the loss a little less; but I actually feel it more.  Mike was the only poet who ever read in my gallery who passed the hat for expenses...for me the money side of things is sometimes tough-- and the hat, well, the gesture was grand and generous.  And that is the sort of friend we have lost; these days when narcissistic personality disorder was taken from the DSM, (i joke because it is too common though that is not really why)--anyway he was the opposite of that; his poems were about the people who really worked to make America and the working class, about humanity and mattering, and not just going on for the sake of going on but for coming to a purpose-- and his purpose helping others, getting angry at the injustice and the bullshit, but still admiring, appreciating the beauty from the depths of his vision.the beauty in the nature but also in people...going to read his work again.  One thing about writers we can still be with them after they are gone in a way you can not be with those who don't leave us books. what the hell am i saying?
for me, there has been a lot of loss lately.. a lot of fucking loss; so I will go out and admire the leaves--thanks Mike.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Thursday, August 8, 2013


There are things already fading in my mind about Santorini and Naxos and the lovely exploratory summer filled with things like seas, boats, kids, friends, art, promised life ideas.
There was ZISSIMOS LORENZATOS AND KAZANSAKIS--AND the salient thing I need to remember:  BE FAITHFUL TO THE MEANING OF MY LIFE--THAT ELUSIVE MEANING WHICH CAME FROM THAT LONG AND MYSTERIOUS CHAIN OF EVENTS TO PRESENT itself to me.  NEW project make a representational   chain of events!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

the mind fades

It took me a long time to recall how to get onto this blog tonight and I know it is not unrelated to turning sixty, me who actually once uttered the words of my day about not trusting anyone over thirty-
the lost boys found me and i became an old woman full of rage, but wise a fucking sage

I've spent some time with the frail today- the pain really is as deep as the joy.

I invite anyone who reads this to the first Friday in May Gala at the gallery- starting at six

Monday, February 25, 2013

march ing

I am always amazed at the rates time passes...just completely baffled even in the depths of beauty created over history--thinking about blurring boundaries as a theme for some paintings maybe even a poem.  The blurring becomes interesting to me as so many of the distinctions are arbitrary and false that the shapes of things become the form over function over aesthetic value over emotional response
over easy.  but not so that it is runny.  These are two new paintings I am working on.  One more done than the other.  Three months left of my last full time school year and it feels like I am finally planting stars!