Sunday, November 22, 2009

first blog

Welcome to the Glovinsky Gallery Blog-

Congratulations on finding me. Check back often for insights and events!! Hey I think I figured it out. Paula can you believe this?
Updates. The February poetry/music event was wonderful. I was inspired thanks to YUYU, Hildagaard and Jason and Rocky. YUYU has made a wonderful lifestyle traveling the world and sharing his gifts. I don't know how he came to the gallery but I am so glad he did.

In April (I think the 11th) there will be more poets. I think I will read a poem or two myself then. This is a Puddinghouse press event at Glovinsky Gallery. More about that later. A few new thoughts as lately I have been facing a lot of mortality issues. I am trying to forgive that which is just a mere insult to the ego, and fall in love with life. That will be a new painting. Hope to see folks at the gallery on first Friday. There will be chess.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey YU, glad to see you here! I hope you can come to visit again in Denver sometime. Janet

  3. I can't wait to see that painting!
